Total Results Coaching Package

This package is designed to establish you with good jobs and repeat clients. Like the Jumpstart, it includes the Barefoot Consultants® course of your choosing. In addition to working with you to identify your skills, establishing a winning profile and portfolio, and walking you through the steps to get your first jobs, this package will help you transition to better-paying jobs and repeat clients.


You will work with a coach to identify your skills which you will monetize on the online platform. You will receive a compelling overview of your services for your profile. The coach will work with you step-by-step to onboard you to the online platform. They will then help you identify the right jobs and write your first proposals. Your coach will work with you while you build your job history and improve your success score. You will work together to identify more lucrative services and search for repeat clients.

This usually takes 6 – 7 months.

You can choose one of the following courses from Barefoot Consultants®

21 Days to Your Freelancing Success

The Beginner’s Guide to Profitable Online Research

Beginner’s Guide to Freelance Writing, Editing, and Proofreading