This is coaching for those that are on a platform & have already purchased a course.

Each package is customized according to your needs. Some clients pick up certain things quickly and less time needs to be spent on that topic, while other clients need more time. So, the exact schedule will be determined between you and your coach..

Winning Jobs In this coaching package, your coach will help you identify good clients and jobs and how to write winning proposals. Your coach will work with you until you win your first two jobs. This usually takes two months

Winning Jobs & Beyond This coaching package includes everything in the Winning jobs package plus helping you get invitations to jobs and repeat clients. Your coach will help you earn more without working longer hours. This coaching package usually is 4 months.

Please let us know if you have a specific topic that is not listed here. We may be able to develop a new course just for you. Or… you can always purchase a monthly retainer