Visit our store to purchase any of these products.

All our packages are tweaked to meet your needs. In our initial discussion with you, we will learn about your needs and your goals. We will tailor the topics that we cover during your coaching engagement based on what we learn about you.

You can sign up for several different types of Coaching. Most of our coaching is done virtually, but you can also include coaching as part of your trip to Panama. Our packages include:

  • One-on-One Coaching. This coaching is done using video conference software and can be started where ever you are in the world
  • One of a Kind Custom Coaching. This coaching package is based on your specific needs and time. Initially, we will have a free 30-minute call to determine what your goals are for freelancing and determine your “WHY.” This package is geared just for you based on your time frame, needs, and goals. Since each package is customized with your needs in mind, we will come up with two proposals based on the information gathered on our first call. Contact us today for your free consultation.
  • Online Seminars – We offer periodic group seminars and challenges. You can learn about upcoming events on this site, or on our Facebook Page
    • Relocation and Freelancing Tours – These tours are ideal for people thinking about moving to Panama where they can work online. Our partners at Panacific Relocation Tours will show you a number of popular areas in Panama. You will also attend a seminar to learn the basics of Online Freelancing while abroad
    • Onsite Intensives – Ideal for a couple or small group, this custom training is done in Panama. Whether you need help getting established online, or would like to focus on building your practice, this seminar will take you to the next level

    One-on-one Coaching

    We offer two types of ongoing coaching packages: Goal-Based and Time-Based.

    Time-Based Coaching

    If you are able to make Freelancing your primary focus, we may suggest a three-month retainer. This will allow you to make the most progress in the shortest amount of time. You will have a set meeting each week to review your progress and cover new topics. You will receive training and homework to help you improve your freelancing success

    Review our Time-Based Coaching Packages

    Goal Based Coaching

    Goal-based coaching will give you, the freelancer, more “bang for the buck.” We might still have weekly meetings generally early in the agreement, but our coaching agreement is centered around the goals you want to accomplish rather than a time to achieve them. We usually suggest a six to twelve-month agreement for this to be the most effective. The goal may be to:

    • build your initial profile and get on a freelancing platform
    • to help find good jobs and good clients
    • to help you write winning job proposals
    • or any combination of goals you might have.

    Review our Goal-Based Packages for New Freelancers here

    Review our Goal-Based Packages for Established Freelancers here

    Online Seminars and Workshops

    In addition to One-on-One Coaching, we occasionally offer Group Coaching that covers a specific topic. Topics may include: How to find jobs and write proposals, How to make more, specialized profiles, and others.

    Visit our store to find recorded videos of past workshops and to sign up for new ones.

    Travel Packages

    Many of our clients are interested in visiting the country of Panama. We offer several options for you to combine travel with coaching.

    Panama Tour and Coaching combination.

    In conjunction with our partners, Panacific RelocationTours, you can visit Panama and see different communities that are favorites with ex-pats or some of the local attractions. As part of the tour, you will attend an Introduction to Online Freelancing seminar to learn how to make money online while living in Panama. You can contact them at or on WhatsApp at +507-6216-5039.

    We can also explain one of Panama’s newest visas that will be available soon, The Digital Nomad Visa.

    Freelancing Intensive in Panama

    You can do a deep dive into online freelancing by attending a 2-3 day session with us in Panama. You will receive a customized training program that will allow you to make rapid progress toward your goal of receiving additional income by working online. You will stay in a Bed and Breakfast in Playa Coronado, a beachfront community with a large ex-pat community. You can then choose to spend a couple of extra days exploring on your own, taking a relocation tour with Panacific Relocation Tours, enjoying the local hangouts, or just relaxing at the beach.

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