Robert Thompson

Golden Handcuffs

Are you struggling to remove your golden handcuffs?  Stuck in a job that is too good to quit but not really what you want to do?  Not sure if you have the money to retire or what you will do to keep active once you do? 

That was where I was in 2017.  Since then, I have retired and moved from the United States to Panama with my wife, two dogs, and our sailboat. When we realized that we did not have enough money to feel secure, we found that we could fill in the gaps with online freelancing. 

If we could do it, you can too

Freelancing is a way to leverage the skills you have learned in your career to develop a portable income that allows you to work where ever you want to live. It lets you work as much or as little as you want and provides a great supplemental income.

How I can help you

For most people, getting started is the hardest part.  There are many different online sites where you can look for jobs and many mistakes you can make as you progress.  

Sadly, many people find they struggle to make themselves marketable in the skills-based economy.  Many do not even get on a job board. In my experience, the problem is not with their skills or abilities but rather the approach they use.  You may find that you have to change your mindset.  It is different to look for projects based on specific skills rather than getting hired for a job.  When I needed help to make the transition, Barefoot Consultants® provided me with a proven method to find marketable skills and develop an online business.

Now I am ready to guide you through the process to your success.  After a year-long training process, I am now an independent Certified Barefoot Consultants® Professional Coach. 

My Background

I spent many years helping large companies adjust their Information Technology strategy to make their company more competitive.  A big part of my success was my ability to mentor senior technology leaders so that they could be more successful. 

In addition to my corporate work, I spent many years assisting people in dealing with their fear and learning to do things they never thought possible as a water safety instructor and a professional ski instructor.

What I Need From You

I will do my best to ensure that you are successful in your freelancing career.  If you are committed to success, I will help you get there.  You will need to put some time into your growth.  I will work with you to identify what you need to do and set up realistic goals for completion.  Part of my job is to hold you accountable for those commitments.  That way, we will both be successful.

Getting Started

Barefoot Consultants® provides the best training available to get started in freelancing.  In addition to the basic training, there are a variety of coaching packages that I offer to help you successfully launch your freelancing career. Your short-term and long-term goals will help you determine which package is best suited for you. Your finished product will be completed efficiently with your input throughout the process. 

To get started, I will offer you a free 20-minute consultation session so that we can get to know each other and discuss your freelancing lifestyle goals. To schedule a consultation, please click here:

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